Briefed by Hon’ble Health Minister of Govt. of Tripura
Shri Tapan Chakraborti
At the outset we welcome you.
We extend our thanks to media for providing all round help. Today we are at a cross road. The country is marching towards a developed nation and hence disease of “modernization” – the non communicable disease like Diabetes, Heart Attack and Hypertension is increasing. But we could not overcome infectious disease too.
Hepatitis B is one of the infectious viral disease which causes serious liver disease like chronic liver disease, liver cirrhosis or liver cancer as long term complication. But Hepatitis B is preventable by vaccination. Though the most of the countries of the world has included Hepatitis B Vaccination in national immunization Program, but India is still in Experimental stage. In Tripura an exceptional step has been taken. The Govt. of Tripura permitted Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura (HFT) to perform Hepatitis B Vaccination in the State. It was observed that HFT through 31 centers could vaccinate on an average 1lac to 1.25 lac people every year, which could not serve the purpose.
Hence Hepatitis B Eradication Program was conceived in 2009 & it received wonderful support from the people & it was extremely successful. In one day above 0.88 lac people was vaccinated.
Upto March 2010, the total vaccination was about 5.5 lacs And by September 2010 we have touch the mark of 6 lacs i.e. 16.6% of total population.
The second phase of hepatitis B Eradication Programme is an ambitious Project to vaccinate approx 5% of population in one day. The first Dose of Vaccination is on 21st NOV 2010.
The Program has got various unique features:
1. Mass Hepatitis B vaccination is first of its kind in our country.
2. The Program is unique in the sense that the Program is organized by non government organization in collaboration with the Govt. – a true public private partnership – a most successful experiment.
3. The participation of people is spontaneous.
4. The “Three Tier” Panchayat system is providing a big boost to the Program.
5. Health Care Providers of all Health Centers of Government Sectors are participating voluntarily.
6. 5% of State’s population will be covered in one day.
On 21st Nov 2010, the vaccination will start at 09:00 AM IST and shall continue up to 16:00 PM IST.
The vaccination will be done at 200 centers. Special emphasis has been given for hilly and difficult areas, which are till date uncovered, along with a special stress on Indo Bangla Border. Centres are being established in different areas. The formal inauguration of the Program will be at Jirania at Jirania Sanskriti Sadan. The Programme will be inaugurated by Hon’ble Health Minister Sri Tapan Chakraborti. The Chief Guest will be sri Manik Dey, Hon’ble Panchayat & Power Minister. Other dignitaries are Shri Pabitra Kar, MLA, Shri Monoranjan Debbarma, MLA, Shri Radha Charan Debbarma, Executive Member, TTAADC, and Dr S R Debbarma, Director of Health Services, and Mrs Sukla Sarkar, Chairperson, Jirania Panchayat Samity.
Mass awareness development is the boon of The “Hepatitis B Eradication Program”. Our members are trying to reach out to every corner of the State through community level awareness program, through distribution of leaflets, through providing publicity, through an “Activity Film” – “Journey towards Hepatitis B Eradication”.
We expect all-round cooperation from every corner of the state and hope it will be a record making event and an example towards the whole world from our side.
Thank You.
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