Carrying Forward the activities of a social organization to fifth year is definitely a herculian task. With the time, sphere of activities, secondary objectives, modus operandi of organization and over all functioning strategy also takes a new shape. But this is “Social commitment’’ of one and all members of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura could make this transformation so smooth that today Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura can claim to be an integral part of ‘Health Awareness Revolution’ of the state Tripura.
The point programme of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura are :
A - Awareness
I - Immunization
D - Diagnosis, Treatment and Councilling .
Gradually Foundation is involving in other Health related activities particularly in the field of ‘Preventive Medicine’ and ‘Health Awareness’ .
Tripura is marching forward at a tremendous speed .
Improvement of Health indices is definitely an important criteria of development. As because a healthy population can be a productive population .
Each member of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura is a social activist and helping the Govt. in achieving the goal .
On the eve of Foundation IV Annual State Conference from the core of Heart we extend our gratitude to the Govt. of Tripura for extending all help to the Foundation in materialisation of the programme of the Foundation.
Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura is an unique organization in the country which is working through out state is in as many as 21 Branches and all the branches are tuned in the same frequency. We got the plan to extend our activities further.
This is the first time we are organizing our conference out side Agartala. Which it self is an evidence that how actively our branches working.
I personally and on behalf of Central Executive Committee of HFT would like to extend sincere thanks to all the members of Udaipur Branch for volunteering to organize the IV Annual State Conference of HFT at Udaipur.
Political commitment can only make a health programme most successful. We are indebted to our peoples representatives and political leaders for their involvement for the cause .
Various professional organizations like ATGDA, IMA,API,TNI, and various Democratic organisations are extending their kind help to us time to time. We are thankful to all of them.
In our journey of years, Since 2002, we got many friends in Pharma Industry, Business arena, and individuals without whose help Hepatitis Foundation could not have reached to today’s level .
We know , we have got limitations , we have got fallacies , we have got difficulties , we have got critics but member of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura are determined to ‘Win over’ to achieve the target of ‘Hepatitis Free Tripura.’
Finally this is my previlege to take this opportunity to congratulate and extend sincere thank to one and all members of HFT through the State for dedication, sincerity and devotion.
Dr. Pradip Bhaumik
Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura
1 comment:
I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
liver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.
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