Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura or HFT, an organization dedicated to work primarily in the field of liver disease & gradually, extending its zone of activities to many other health programs with the basic idea to develop mass awareness regarding health problem.
The organization was brought into the day light on 28th July, 2002 by the few members from different profession & position. The initial target was to arm people of Tripura with correct scientific knowledge about Hepatitis and Jaundice, so as to prevent unscrupulous practice of vaccination against Hepatitis B by the money mongers & Pseudo- social workers and to remove false believe and taboo about jaundice among common people.
The beginning days were not very smooth common believe that every so called “Social Organization” has got another face, also endangered our mere existence. The people and Govt. started weighing us in the same standard but we could prove ourselves and our vision, mission, & target and action became clear to everybody.
We started our activities from our temporary office at Teresa Diagnostic Centre, 7, Hospital Road, Agartala and HFT shall always remain thankful to this organization for initial boost.
Department of Health, Government of Tripura could be convinced about our mission and subsequently unscrupulous practice of vaccination against Hepatitis B was stopped. And eventually HFT has to shoulder the responsibility of Hepatitis B vaccination. From 15th December 2002 with the extreme help of journalist friends we could start our Hepatitis Clinic at Agartala Press Club for providing subsidizes Immunization against Hepatitis B to the people.
We launched our three point program i.e. :
A- wareness
I – mmunization
D – iagnosis, Counseling & treatment of Hepatitis B
On 6th March, 2003 the new Govt. took oath and Shri Tapan Chakrabory took over the charge of Department of Health, Govt. of Tripura. HFT was invited to explain the mission and vision of the organization. Hon’ble Minister after taking the stake of the situation adviced the members of HFT to dedicate for elimination of Hepatitis B from Tripura and extend and the activities of foundation to each every corner of the state.
Accordingly, the Deptt. of Health allowed HFT to run Hepatitis Clinic in Govt. Hospitals, utilizing MCH centre on every Sunday from 9 AM to 1 PM for Awareness, Immunization, Diagnosis and Treatment and Counseling.
The First official Hepatitis Clinic was inaugurated by Hon’ble Health Minister Shri Tapan Chakraborty on Doctor’s Day, i.e. 1st July, 2003 at Udaipur at T.S. Hospital, Udaipur and since then HFT members could never look back.
Any individual who pledges to our objectives and have a sense of Social responsibility and ready to work selflessly can be the member of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura.
Our members, the “HFT FAMILY” is an unique blend of people from each and every strata of the Society including professionals like Doctors, Engineers, Businessmen, Govt. Officers, Govt. Employee, Nursing Staff paramedics, media personel, medical representatives, politicians, social activities, bankers, students and unemployed youth etc.
All are united for a common cause and this is definitely a rare “United forum” which is non-political & Non Government.
* To explain the preventive & protective aspect of various diseases in simplest manner to the people.
* Mass immunization against Hepatitis-B
* Expansion of activities by opening branches of the Foundation & Hepatitis Clinic
up to the peripheral level.
* To take active initiative for research on Hepatitis in Tripura
* To bring Hepatitis B vaccination under the preview of National Immunization
* To provide counseling services to the patient of Hepatitis and their relatives.
* Screening of family members of Hepatitis B.
* To provide necessary treatment to the patient of Hepatitis.
* To create a Hepatitis Registry in the state.
* To work in the field of HIV/AIDS to generate mass awareness, counseling, and
Prevention of Stigma.
* To participate in various Health related programme.
* To extend the activities in different sphere of health care delivery system.
1. Running of Hepatitis Clinic on every Sunday from 9 AM to 1 PM in all 26 branches (at present) for providing immunization, awareness and counseling and treatment services.
2. Organizing Awareness camps at length and breadth of the state.
3. Organizing Awareness program on HIV & AIDS.
4. Organizing awareness program in schools and colleges. (as permitted by the Department of School Education & Higher Education, Government of Tripura respectively).
5. Awareness campaign among TSR jawans, police and paramilitary forces.
6. Awareness campaign at Health Institutions among Health Care Providers.
7. Running Liver Clinic from 5 PM to 7 PM at the Central Office at Ramnagar Road No. 3, Agartala.
8. Regularly maintaining Central Office at Ramnagar Road No.3, Agartala, (Working hour 3 PM to 9 PM).
9. General & Specialist Health Camp at various places of state.
10. Publication of book, booklet, leaflet etc. for awareness.
11. Publication of Quarterly Newsletter from August 2006.
12. Observation of World Hepatitis Day on July 16th every year.
13. Organizing seminar on Hepatitis/Health related matters.
14. Organizing Super Specialist Health Camp for treatment of Hepatitis B & C / Other disease.
15. Awareness through print & electronic media.
16. Release of audio & video cassettes & CDs.
17. Organizing Quiz competition/Essay writing competition /sit & draw competition for students.
18. Participating in all Govt. program including “Health Fair” to propagate Health awareness.
19. Working with other professional & Health related organization.
20. Research activities in Hepatitis B & C and HIV & AIDS.
Though the HFT has started its activities as an organization to work for Hepatitis & liver disease but gradually our field of activates increased in many health related program. we were involved in :
i. Working in the field of Hepatitis Particularly for prevention of Hepatitis B & C.
ii. Immunization against Hepatitis B through out the state of Tripura at a highly subsidized rate. Present rate of vaccine is Rs. 20/- (rupees twenty) for children upto 10 yrs & Rs. 40/- (Rupees forty) for others.
iii. For diagnosis & treatment we are running “LIVER CLINIC” in our Central Office at Ramnagar Road No. 3, Agartala.
iv. Organizing Specialist Health Camp in various parts of the state.
v. Palliative care to the Cancer Patient.
vi. Program on AIDS.
vii. Anti tobacco program
viii. Awareness & early detection of cancer.
ix. Awareness of Member
x. Helping in NRHM program
xi. Awareness program on Diabetes and hypertension.
xii. Malaria related program
xiii. Research work on Hepatitis B & C and HIV / AIDS.
xiv. Geriatric Health Care Programs.
1. We have 26 branches through out the state & all 26 branches are working in a similar Tune.
2. We have Immunized _____ persons upto March 2008 ( Children : & Adult : )
3. Health Camp (upto March – 2008).
4. Super speciacilist Health Camp (Upto March – 2008).
5. Awareness Program
· Community Awareness program
· Institutional Awareness program
· Awareness program for Doctor
· Awareness program for Nursing Staff
· AIDS Awareness Programme
Palliative Cancer Care Project : and WHO sponsored the pilot project as per directive of Agartala Govt. Medical College.
A two tier organizational system governs the total activities of the foundations.
Central Executive Committee (CEC) is the top most body to supervise all activities and all the branches are headed by the branch committee.
The CEC operates from State Capital Agartala and having its office at Ramnagar Road No. 3, Agartala.
It is maintaining liaison with all branches. CEC is a 15 Members Committee and Chairman & Secretary of all the branches are the members of this Committee by virtue of the post. It organizes meeting on every Sunday at 5 PM in the central office. Branch Committees are consisting of 11 members and organizes meeting on 1st Sunday of every month.
Hepatitis Clinic are situated in MCH Centre of respective Govt. Health Institutions & provides Hepatitis B Immunizations at a subsides rate.
1. Net working Among the branches
2. Net working with All Tripura Govt. Doctors Association.
3. Net working with other Health Related Associations and Social Organizations.
4. Net workings with various democratic organizations.
a) Liver Foundation, West Bengal
b) Hope initiative, Lucknow.
c) National Liver Foundation, Mumbai.
d) CMC, Vallore
a. BMS Foundation
b. CMMB.
1. Deptt. Of Health , Govt. of Tripura.
2. Department of School Education, Govt. of Tripura.
3. Department of Higher Education Govt. of Tripura.
4. Department of Panchayat, Govt. of Tripura.
5. NSS
6. Tripura State AIDS Control Society
HFT is publishing a quarterly bi-lingual News letter (English & Bengali) which is indexed with ISSN ( ISSN 0974-1097)
HFT is publishing a yearly scientific souvenir during the Annual Conference of every year named
Every branch organizes Annual Conference in the month of April to June and the state conference is usually organized in the month of July & August.
We are registered society under Society Registration Act 1860 No. 4065-2002, of the Registrar of Society, Government of Tripura.
Central Office
PHONE NO. + 91 -0381 – 232-1166 FAX : + 91 -0381 – 232-1166

Y Hepatitis Free Tripura
Y To generate mass awareness about Hepatitis in general and Hepat tis B & C in particular .
Y To explain the preventive & Protective aspect of the disease in siplest manner to all concerned.
Y Mass immunization against Hepatitis B.
Y Expansion of activities by opening Hepatitis Clinic up to the peipheral level.
Y To take active initiative for research on Hepatitis in Tripura.
Y To bring Hepatitis B vaccination under the perview of National immunization Programme.
Y To provide counseling services to the patient of Hepatitis and their relatives.
Y Screening of family members of Hepatitis B.
Y To provide necessary treatment to the patient of Hepatitis.
Y To create a Hepatitis Registry in the State.
Y To participate in various Health related programme.
Y To extend the activities in different sphere of Health Care delivery system.
‘‘Never doubt that
a small group of committed citizens
can change the world
Indeed,that is the
only thing that ever has’’.
___ Margaret Meade
The Begining
The Hepatitis Foudation of Tripura was born on 28th July 2002 with dedicated citizens of almost every profession such as doctor, engineer, businessman, media personnel, medical representatives, nursing staff, paramedical workers, medical laboratory personnel, health personnel, politicians, high officials, bankers, social workers, students & many others.The Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura was formed at the time when the medical fraternity in Tripura was unaware of gravity of the disease hepatitis specially B & C in the state. It was well known fact that hepatitis B & C are many many times contagious than much talked disease of civilization -HIV. While International & National NGOs, central & state governments, media, social organization, whole of medical fraternity & even WHO are actively involved in mass awareness programme for HIV /AIDS disease & spending million for the same cause, remain silent for silent killer disease hepatitis. At this juncture some greedy pharmaceutical companies along with some pseudo social workers, organizations start vaccination against hepatitis B at highest cost possible without any sort of briefing or counseling about the disease. These so-called social workers looted people of Tripura at the cost of their unawareness & unknown fear of the disease. There was no scientific criteria or protocol followed for health beneficiaries before immunization. The Health Department of State Government did not have any control over them. At this juncture ‘‘Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura’’ emerged.
Our Success Story
The begining days were not very smooth.Common belive that every so called ‘‘ Social Organisation’’ has got another face, also endangered our mere existence. The people & the govt. started weighing us in the same standard but soon we could proof ourselves and our vision, mission, target and action become clear to everybody. Our first success come in the form of ‘‘stopping’’-unscrupulous use of Hepatitis-B vaccine by money mangers. On 15 th December'02-our first Hepatitis Clinic started functioning at ‘‘Agartala Press Club’’ with the active support of Journalist friends. In March'o3 new Govt. took oath and new Heath Minister Shri Tapan Chakraborty gave us a patience hearing and Dept. of Health permited us to work in Govt. Hospitals by running Hepatitis Clinic on every Sunday using MCH centre of the Govt. Hospitals. The first offical ‘Hepatitis Clinic’ was inaugurated by Health Minister Shri Tapan Chakraborty at T.S. Hospital ,Udaipur on Doctor's Day i.e lst July'03 and on 6th July '03 Hepatitis Clinic of Agartala was shifed to IGM Hospital. On July 27th ‘03 Health Minister Shri Tapan Chakraborty inaugurated Hepatitis clinic at RGM Hospital, Kailasahar and Sub-Divisional Hospital, Dharmanagar. And since then people from every corner of state started requesting to open ‘Hepatitis Clinic’ in their respective Hospitals. Working hand in hand with Dept. of Health, Govt. of Tripura, Foundation started expanding its area of activity from one corner of state to other i.e kanchanpur to Sonamura to Sabroom. Today Foundation has branches 19 throughout the state but expansion program is continuously & corstantly progressing.
Our reach & awareness
Foundation members are working together in a unique blend of unity towards a common goal prevention & protection against hepatitis among those not affected by the disease & improving quality of life for all those affected by disease. We are gradually reaching out to the people of Tripura through our weekly (every Sunday) hepatitis clinic in all most all subdivisions in spite of some geographically difficult places. The members including doctors are providing the necessary help to the beneficiaries in the hepatitis clinics. The members conduct hepatitis awareness programme by giving health talk in health camps, community gatherings, health personnel worshops & meetings, school & college health awareness programmes, by distributing disease information leaflets in local languages, by banner writing, by permanent board writings in public places & health centers, through local cable network, by participating in health fairs, by conducting quiz competition & essay writing competition among school & college students, publishing informative articles in local languages in local daily, by health talks & discussion in TV, radio & many other ways. We get enormous support from electronic and print medias.
Our Tower of Strength
The source of inspiration and enthusiasm of every member of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura through out the state is our Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri Manik Sarkar, who always spare his valuable time by his presence in our programme and by giving advice and guidance to our members as and when we are in need.
Our Friend, Philosopher and guide is our beloved Health Minister Sri Tapan Chakraborty. He who regularly & constantly enquires about our activities and performance and continuously asking us to remain honest and dedicated to the people of Tripura.
Each & every member of council of ministers the State of Tripura always remains abreast & informed about the functioning of the foundation and always helping the organisation by the continuous patronage.
Elected members of three tier panchayat of the state are continuously encouraging the foundation in each of every tiers starting from Zillasabhadhipati to member of Panchayat & Nagar Panchayat.
The help extended by the Commissioner of Health Shri S.K.Roy, IAS is examplary . Director of Health Services, Director of family welfare and Department of Health as a whole and health care providers of every nook & corner of State are the activist of our struggle against hepatitis.
Definitely every member of the Foundation are the corner stone of the organisation. But this is people of Tripura who are the real tower of the strength of the foundation.
Our Programs :
1. Development of Mass awareness throughout the state about Hepatitis.
2. Immunisation against Hepatitis B at a highly subsidised rate.
3. Counselling of Hepatitis Patient & their family members, free of cost.
4. Investigation of Hepatitis at a subsicbised rate from our empaseled lass throught state.
5. Advice & suggestion regarding treatment of Hepatitis, free of cost.
6. To help the patients to procure medicine
7. To organise General/Specialist Health Camp at different places of the state to reach to the people who are in need.
Our Activities :
1. Running ''Hepatitis Clinic'' on every Sunday from 9 am to 1 pm in all 21 branches (at present) for providing -
(a) Awareness
(b) Immunisation
(c) Diagnesis Counselling Treatment advice against Hepatitis.
2. Organising awareness camp at interior places/Health centres.
3. Organising awareness camp at Schools & Colleges (as permitted by Dept. of Education, Govt. of Tripura).
4. Awareness campaign at Health Institutions among Health Care Providers.
5. Awareness campaign among TSR jawans & other police and paramillitary forces.
6. General & Specialist Health Camp at various places of state.
7. Publication of book, booklet, leaflet etc. for awareness.
8. Publication of bi-monthly Newsletter from Aug’06.
9. Observation of World Hepatitis Day on July 16th every year.
10. Organising seminar on hepatitis/ Health related matters.
11. Organising Super Specialist Health Camp for treatment of Hepatitis B & C. / Other diseases.
12. Awareness through print & electronic media.
13. Release of audio & video cassettes & CDs.
14. Organising Quiz competition/Eassy Writing competition/sit & draw competition for students & develop mass awareness.
15. Participating in all Govt. program including ''Health Fair'' to propagate Health awareness.
16. Working with other professional & Health related organ fisation.
Our Tasks in Future :
Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura targeted 35 lacs population of tiny beautiful Tripura, inspite of many odds we will go ahead to meet our future plans.
Our future plans are -
1. Expansion of activities of hepatitis Foundation of Tripura in every corner of state.
2. Research works & Projects on Hepatitis in Tripura.
3. To include Immunisation against Hepatitis B under Universal Immunisation Program (UIP)Expanded program of Imunisation (EPI).
4. Inclusion of hepatitis control programme in National Health Policy.
5. To make compulsory immunization against hepatitis B for all health care providers before joining service, and professional education like Medical, Nursing, Paramedical etc.
6. To make compulsory immunization against hepatitis B for all children before joining schools.
7. Compulsory Screening of all pregnant mothers for hepatitiis B.
8. Preoperative screening for Hepatitis B.
9. A Hospital for Liver (Patients)diseases.
10. A Permanent office of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura at Agartala.
Our Financial Suppot:
As our foundation is a non-profit organization, we depend on the help of our well wishers. We get generous support from pharmaceutical companies, druggist & chemist, social workers, donors, businessmen, various corporate houses, Govt. undertakings, Industries, Doctors, Advertisers & Politicians to run our foundation's activities through out Tripura.
Our Organizational Structure :
Hepatitis foundation of Tripura is now becoming stronger & stronger with active cooperation of all members throughout the state. At present we are having 21 branches throughout the state and our target is very high and we strongly believe that by the end of 2007, presence of Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura will be felt in every corner of the state.
All the branches are supervised by the 15 member Executive Comittee from its temporary office at Hotel Royal Guest House, Palace compound (West), Agartala.
Activities of every branch are supervised by 11 member branch comittee.
Annual Conference :
Every branch organises Annual conference in the month of April & May. The state conference is being organised in the month of June or July every year. The III Annual Conference was organised on 16th July 2006 at Agartala & IV Annual congace at Udaipur an 30th June & 1st July 2007.
Our Souvenir :
We publish yearly souvenir ''Hepa Care'' - during our state Annual Conference.
Our News Letter :
We have started publishing bimonthly News Letter from Aug'06 for free circulation.
Inaugurated of 30th june 2007 at 4th annual state conference held at Udaipur.
Membership :
Any individual who pledges to our objects and have a sense of social responsibility and ready to work selflessly can be the member of Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura.
Communication :
Hepatitis Foundation of Tripura
C/O : Hotel Royal Guest House,
Palace Compound (West),
Agartala - 799001, Tripura.
Ph :(+91) (0381) 2313781 - 84, 2321166
Fax :(91) 381-2324958
email : hft.cec@gmail.com
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