Liv.CON 20011
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Liv.CON 20011
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The everfirst Drug Clinical Trial has been framed with HIMALAYA HERBAL HEALTHCARE in Tripura. Dr Pradip Bhaumik, Associate Professor Of Medicine Dept of Agartala Govt Medical College and President of state wide anti Hb movement - Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura has already been expressed his willingness in this regards in written to the HIMALAYA HERBAL HEALTHCARE as the concern Indian Traditional Herbal Health Reasearch Institute lanched its vibrentive brand "Liv52 HB" in Hepatitis B infection managment. Considering the option the Rajib Gandhi University approved R&D of The Himalaya Drug Co. organised a Doctor's Meeting Programme at Agartala in collaboration with The Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura- Doctors Fraternity designed and decorated as “Himalaya-Liv.CON 2011” - the one day long academic Doctors meeting to discuss the hepatological status of Tripura, held today(9/11 of 2011) at (Navaratna - Royal guest House) Agartala, which has been conducted as a part of initiative to perform the ever first Drug Clinical Trial with the Himalaya’s production ever first Indian Anti HB therapy & First US patented hepato-protective Liv 52 HB in heterogeneous Chronic Hepatitis B infected population of Tripura state.
Discussing the “Safety & Side effect of upto date used Anti HB Drugs” Dr Arunabha Dasgupta, Asso Prof, AGMC, indicated, After Malaria the drug resistance has became a matter of concern in the field of HB treatment also even in Tripura too. Through there is no supportive data is available, but he tried to emphesised the scientific evidence that the used drugs are perfect in some cases only where either the treatment has been done through proper diagnosis considering the genotype confirmation of HBV or the drugs has been clinically judges in every years against its resistance as all the upto dated used anti HB drugs are showing its resistance by only one year of treatment considering its limitation apart each used anti HB drug has huge known and unknown side effects, even drug itself induced fatal side effects too. Dr Dasgupta given adequate stress on a effective and side effect free anti HB treatment too and shown his confidence on the planed clinical trial with Himalaya brand "Liv.52 HB cap" drug on Chronic Hepatitis B patients too considering its found and proven success and side effect free benefits, through doctor shown his hesitation to agree with the data analysis success rate of highlighted clinical trials and said, May the success varied here in the planed clinical trial. Dr Dasgupta said, The ever first clinical trial with a Drug in Tripura scenario will be a mile stone as there is no report or documentation of clinical trial of any sorts of drug with The population of Tripura. He appreciated the selection of the Drug for this planning too and said, The selected drug Himalaya Brand Liv.52 HB is the best choice for that purpose as the concern brand is highly documented in nationally and internationally recommended journals, clinically proven and also totally side effect free and cost effective for the local socio economic group, which will be the ultimate benefit for any patient.
Today to build up the confidence about the Drug chosen for the ever first clinical trial in Tripura, Dr S S Kar from Scientific Services of The Himalaya Drug Co, Bangalore also join the discussion and shown his gratitude for choosing a INDIAN brand for ever first clinical trial with a Drug in Tripura scenario. showing his transparent view on the Himalaya Drug he elaborated the the Liv 52HB has been chosen after a lots of clinical trial like cell biology study, pre clinical trial and multi centric studies to confirm the efficacy of the Drug, which is even more effort then any competitor R&D.The Himalaya Liv con starts with The welcome and wram reception from The leader of field force of the Himalaya Herbal Healthcare Mr Anjan Banik and Concluded with Vote of Thanks from the Zonal Manager of North east of The Himalaya Drug Co Mr Kangkan Talukder. The Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura supported Himalaya Liv con 2011 has been inaugurated by Dr Ajit Ranjan Chaudhury, MD, Technical Director, Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura followed by Dr Rajesh Kishore Dev Barman, Associate Professor, AGMC, Dr Pradip Bhaumik, MD-FCCP(USA), Associate Professor Of Medicine Dept of Agartala Govt Medical College and President of state wide anti Hb movement - Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura. The total Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura supported Himalaya Liv con 2011 has been anchored by Dr Priyabrata Sinha, Jt. Secretary, Hepatitis Foundation Of Tripura.
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